Doctoral Studies

Doctoral Studies Program

The Doctoral Program of the Department of Economics of the University of Western Macedonia has as its primary purpose the substantial contribution of researchers in the development of knowledge and applications in the field of Economics. Furthermore, it aims at conducting original and innovative scientific research in all fields / subjects treated in the Department of Economics in order to be able to staff Universities, Research Centers, Businesses and Private and public organizations in Greece and internationally.
The Doctoral Studies in the Department are governed by the Doctoral Studies Regulations of the Departments of the University of Western Macedonia. The Doctoral Studies Program provides specialization in the main but also in the related fields of the Departments of University of Western Macedonia. .

Terms and conditions

Those who meet the following two conditions have the right to apply for the Doctoral Program:
1. Applicants are expected to hold a University degree of a Greek University or of an international University, which has been recognized as an equal institution abroad.
2. Applicants are holders of a Postgraduate Diploma of a Greek University or of an international University, which has been recognized as an equal institution abroad or holders of a unified and inseparable postgraduate degree.

Application Procedures

The announcement for the selection of doctoral candidates takes place once every academic year, during the Winter semester or whenever the Assembly of the Department deems appropriate. Applications are submitted to the Secretariat of the Department. Candidates are expected to submit, the following supporting documents with their application:
1. Draft Doctoral Thesis in Greek, which should includes the following:
• Indicative Title in Greek and English.
• Brief description of the topic.
• Bibliographic review with critical analysis of the area in which the topic is included ("Literature Review").
• Contribution to Science ("Contribution to Science").
• Purpose, objectives and research proposals ("Research Propositions").
• Research Methodology.
• Schedule for the preparation of the doctoral dissertation per year of study.
• Relevance of the proposed topic with the subject and the overall academic work of the Supervising member ("Relevance").
• Bibliographic references ("References").
2. Detailed CV.
3. Copy of degree and transcript.
4. Copy of Postgraduate Studies and transcript.
5. Thesis summary (if any).
6. Two (2) letters of recommendation.
7. Certificates of English language proficiency level.
8. Assignments, Publications or Announcements (if any).
9. Certificates of previous service (if any).

Criteria Application evaluation criteria

The application evaluation criteria are:
• the candidate’s research proposal,
• the relevance of the postgraduate degree
• the master’s degree
• the relevant postgraduate thesis or any publications
• participation in research or other programs
• the letters of recommendation
• documented knowledge of English
• the interview

Obligations and rights

Obligations and rights of doctoral candidates

Doctoral studies are offered free of charge. The doctoral candidates of the Department:
1. are entitled all the rights and benefits provided for the students of the second cycle of studies for up to five (5) full academic years.
2. are required to renew enrollment per academic year.
3. offer ancillary support to the dissertation supervisor, at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
4. participate in the work of exam supervision.
5. are partially employed in laboratory, research or tutoring activities of the Department, related to the field of their doctoral dissertation.
6. participate in the consultation on the revision of the Undergraduate Program.
7. have the opportunity to conduct part of their research in an institution / institute / research center/ business in Greece or abroad. In the case of conducting research abroad, it is proposed that the research be carried out within the Erasmus + process.
8. Candidate Doctors may be hired as academic fellows by act of the relevant Department with a private law employment relationship for a certain period of time for conducting teaching, research, scientific, organizational or clinical project specified in the contract. The announcement of the subject is made after a proposal of the General Assembly of the Sector and approval by the Assembly of the Department. The duration of the contract is determined up to one University year depending on the needs of the Department. It may be renewed or extended, but the total recruitment time may not exceed three (3) university years. The employment of the above can be full or partial and the coverage of their compensation will be done by scholarships and resources provided by the Department, without increasing the state grant to the relevant University and in accordance with the provisions in force.


Requirements for completing the doctoral dissertation

The conditions for the dissertation’s viva are:
a) The annual written submission of a detailed memorandum on the progress of the doctoral dissertation.
b) The monitoring and the successful examination in the module "Research Methodology".
c) Proven participation in at least one (1) international conference with judges.
d) At least two (2) publications on the subject of the dissertation in a reputable, international journal, belonging to one of the categories Q1, Q2 or Q3 of SCIMAGO (SCOPUS).

Learning outcomes

  1. 1. Proven systematic understanding of a cognitive field and full competence in the skills and research methods associated with that field. This is achieved by:
    • attendance and examination of the course "Research Methodology".
    • elaboration of the two publications in journals Q1, Q2, Q3 of the SCOPUS bibliographic database.
    • presentation of an article at an international scientific conference.
    • annual presentation of the progress report to the three-member committee.2. Demonstrated ability to capture, design, implement and adapt a substantial research process with academic integrity. This is achieved by:
    • attendance and examination of the course "Research Methodology".
    • elaboration of the two publications in journals Q1, Q2, Q3 of the SCOPUS bibliographic database.
    • presentation of an article at an international scientific conference.

    3. Ability to converse with their peers, the wider scientific community and society at large on issues of their scientific fields. This is achieved by:
    • presentation of an article at an international scientific conference.
    • attendance and examination of the course "Research Methodology".
    • supporting the Department in research issues, related to the field of the doctoral dissertation.
    • participation in the consultation for the revision of the curriculum.
    • possibility to conduct part of the research in an institution / institute / research center / business in Greece or abroad.
    • annual presentation of the progress report to the three-member committee.

    4. Contribution with original research that expands the boundaries of knowledge, developing a significant volume of work. This is achieved by:
    • elaboration of the two publications in journals Q1, Q2, Q3 of the SCOPUS bibliographic database.
    • presentation of an article at an international scientific conference.
    5. Skills for critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas. This is achieved by:
    • elaboration of the two publications in journals Q1, Q2, Q3 of the SCOPUS bibliographic database.
    • presentation of an article at an international scientific conference.